Hello my name is Andy Chau, and I am a massage therapist, athletic therapist, & volleyball player.

Who is Andy Chau?

Andy Chau is a registered massage therapist and athletic therapist located in the Greater Toronto Area. With experience being a high level athlete, he understands the importance of prioritizing recovery. Using his knowledge as both a RMT and AT, he provides his patients with a program that emphasizes muscle tension relief AND muscle conditioning. Knowing that preventative care is just as important (if not more important) as injury recovery he helps his patients understand what is needed to take their health to the next level.

  • The Beginning.

    Having always been involved in sports at a young age, striving to perform at my best was always a priority. That's where my exposure to high-performance strength and conditioning training arose. But as I got older, it transitioned to how do I stay healthy and strong, to be able to be active for as long as possible. After obtaining my Honours Bachelors of Science degree, Athletic Therapy Certificate and Registered Massage Therapy Diploma, I have still failed my parents' wish for me to be a Doctor, but at least I am in Healthcare!

  • The Journey.

    Being a therapist to me, means bringing compassion and dedication to each treatment. My understanding of functional movement and manual therapy allows me to devise individualized treatment plans to help reach and exceed your goals. I will work to optimize movement patterns, work through muscle tension, and relieve joint stiffness to help you move better and feel stronger. I've worked with professional athletes competing at the elite level, to individuals suffering from injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents, to desk workers, all with the same goal in mind, to be in their best shape for all life's demands. Fall in love with the process of discovering your potential!

  • The Core Values.

    Movement is medicine. I truly believe that understanding how to move the body optimally, free of compensations and poor habits, will allow everyone to live their desired lifestyle. In addition, providing the knowledge and techniques to patients, allows them to possess the tools and be in control of their own recovery.

Steve Maraboli

“Happiness is not the absence of problems. It's the ability to deal with them.”