Banded Hip Scour


This is a hip mobility exercise that uses a heavy strength band to assist in distracting the hip joint. Anchor a heavy strength band (100 lbs of resistance is the one used in the video) to a stable object like a banister or squat rack and loop it around the top of your thigh (near the groin). Take a SPIDERMAN LUNGE STRETCH position and hold your body up with either your hands or your elbows. Circulate your knee a handful of times and then prop your body up with your hands into a new position. Repeat in 4-5 different positions or as needed.

Structures Involved:

  • Hip Joint Capsule (Femoroactabular Joint Capsule)

Related Conditions:

  • Hip Impingement

  • Squat Warm Up

  • Hip Labral Tear

  • Snapping Hip Syndrome

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